2005 Comic Convention
It was pure chance that I saw the annual comic convention (2005 世貿漫畫博覽會) advertisment while standing on a bus, looking down at a 30 year old man who manages to secure a seat of his own. The event was a 5 day madness from Friday to Tuesday. I went on Sunday and was impressed by it. The convention was held at Taiwan's largest center, better known as Taipei World Trade Center, right behind the world's tallest building Taipei101. Luckily I live only 10 minutes away, so I took a little walk Sunday. The admission for the convetion is only 100 dollars, or about 3 US dollars.
The first thing I notice is that the place is packed. Just imagine the chinese fire drill without the panic, everyone seems to be smiling. The place is tiled with bodies, we cover the floor bodies to bodies. Interestingly, taipei military defense choose this time to hold a free exhibit right next to the comic convention. Makes me wonder if they are targeting some of the comic viewers. The place is basically split in half; to the right you see excited kids age 12-30, often dressed up in anime customs; to the left you see people in shirts attending "Taiepi Aerospace and Defense Technology Exhibit". Unfortunately I dressed not casually enough that day, khakis and a shirt with no pictures. The other comic addicts were looking at me like I went into the wrong exhibit (shock, the horror, going to comic convention with no graphic of any kind). One helpful lady even told me where to go for the aerospace and defense exhibit. In the end, I went to both. It was an interesting experience. I will write more on the comic convention once it ends on Tuesday.
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